On 12th May 2021 Natural England submitted its compendium of reports to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs setting out our proposals for improved access to the coast from Mablethorpe to Humber Bridge. These proposals form part of a programme to establish a continuous walking route around England’s coastline, as set out in the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.

Only owners, tenants or occupiers of affected land may make an objection to the Secretary of State but anyone can make a representation to the Secretary of State about these proposals.

Further details about our reports can be found at:


By visiting the coastal access webpage for this stretch of coast you will find all the information you need including the following documents and forms:

  1. The Overview and 4 individual reports with accompanying maps;
  2. The forms that must be used for making a representation or an objection;
  3. Guidance notes to help you complete the form(s).

All representations and objections about any of the reports must be received by Natural England no later than midnight on 7th July 2021. We cannot consider any responses received after this deadline.

Published: Saturday, 15th May 2021